How To Improve Egg Quality For IVF
How to improve egg quality for IVF. The serenity of a child is the best blessing that nature could bestow upon a family. But sometimes, nature makes it tough for some more than others. However, destiny has still been kind to us for science has advanced to an extent that led to the generation of IVF technology. This blog is an attempt towards exploring one of the challenges which is a very common topic of discussion about female fertility.
While discussing the topic of fertility, many ask about how to improve egg quality for IVF and pregnancy. If you are also grappling with a decline in egg quality, this blog will help you identify the probable reasons for the decline and the ways to improve your egg quality so that the chances of your pregnancy can increase.
How to improve egg quality for IVF. As per results from the past data and case studies, it has been found that all women have a limited amount of eggs. As the age increases, the amount of healthy eggs decreases, and the abnormal eggs increase. The eggs that are of the poorest quality don’t fertilize at any cost. A very small number of poor-quality eggs that fertilize either lead to miscarriages or babies born with genetic disorders. The factor of age is one of the important determinants of IVF success. As women grow older the number of menstrual cycles that they undergo to get pregnant also increases.
With Such a Limited Number of Eggs
it is crucial to find an effective treatment that is a solution to your problem. Consulting a fertility specialist can be of great influence in your journey. With their protocols in place, they can help you with more number of fertilized eggs. Although challenges to the success of IVF may be countless, still a positive ray of hope always shines beneath the dense forest canopy. With the impeccable knowledge and experience of the consultants, the best use of these limited eggs can be done to create a new life. Also remember to always choose your consultants based on their experience and expertise.
You might have a lower number of eggs but you must also know that the number of eggs cannot be increased. However, a wise and accurate use of eggs can help you. There are several things that influence the number of usable eggs. To harvest your eggs and create a viable embryo, there are several things that you can do during your treatment cycle. The IVF protocol can be followed to resolve your problem. For poor responders, there are many IVF protocols in place. As per the experience of your consultant, they can activate several IVF protocols.
Secondly, we need to rule out deterring factors like endometrial pathology, adenomyosis and hormonal aberrations. You can try blastocyst transfer instead of dethadi transfer and optimise the blood flow to the endometrial lining of uterus.
To expand your understanding of IVF, we have enlisted the ways that can help you tackle your declining fertility and find out how to improve egg quality for IVF.
1. Let Your Eggs Breathe
You must be wondering if antioxidants can help you with your egg quality?
Antioxidants are critical in protecting a developing egg from damage. The eggs develop in a follicle surrounded by follicular fluid. This fluid should be rich in antioxidants. Minerals such as zinc and selenium are part of antioxidant compounds where vitamin C and vitamin E have more direct antioxidant effects. Here are a few antioxidants for you to consider including in your diet.
Zinc is part of one of the most abundant antioxidant compounds in the body. If deficiency is common worldwide and often seen in our clinic when tested. Also found in meat, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds. In addition, those on a high plant diet can also be at risk unless efforts are made to increase absorption in the diet such as soaking, sprouting, and fermenting.
Selenium forms part of an important family of antioxidant proteins. Good sources of Selenium are meat, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E are very important antioxidants, specifically in women who are over 35. They work together to support fertility. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables and we recommend aiming for 2 pieces of fruit and 5 portions of vegetables daily. We also suggest including a wide variety of types and colours. Vitamin E is found in almonds, avocados, sunflower seeds, salmon, sweet potatoes, olives and olive oil.
Coenzyme Q10 is a very important antioxidant in preserving egg quality, particularly in women of advanced age. Taking CoQ10 for three months has been shown to improve fertility and the outcome of IVF or other assisted conception treatments.
2. Smoking is Injurious To Your and Your Egg’s Health
It’s a proven fact that smoking can deteriorate the quality of your eggs as well as can be the root cause of future lower fertility as well. As per the reports by NCBI, Cigarette smoking is associated with a prolonged and dose-dependent adverse effect on ovarian function. Smoking appears to have a more transient toxic effect on fertility, because current smokers, but not past smokers, had a markedly reduced pregnancy rate after treatment cycles compared with nonsmokers. Women should quit smoking before assisted reproduction cycles.
In NCBI’s findings, on being compared with nonsmokers, both current and past smokers have been found to have reduced gonadotropin-stimulated ovarian function. A history of increased tobacco exposure was associated with smaller number of developed oocytes and lower numbers of embryos. For every 10 pack-years of smoking, on average 2.5 fewer mature oocytes and 2.0 fewer embryos were successfully developed. Women who smoked during their treatment cycle had approximately a 50% reduction in implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rate compared with women who had never smoked. Women who quit smoking before their treatment cycle had the same pregnancy rate as nonsmokers.
3. Caffeine is never your egg’s friend
Caffeine Intake is Among the Most Common Lifestyle Exposure in Women and Men Alike
Studies have found that coffee intake is common among women and men alike.
As per the findings of NCBI, Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks (particularly cola-containing beverages and energy drinks), and chocolate. This substance is able to easily cross biological membranes, it can quickly be distributed throughout the body, and has been found in saliva, breast milk, embryos, and neonates.
NCBI’s research also states that Caffeine can even reach the follicular fluid, suggesting that it might exert a harmful role on the female reproductive process. However, it’s hypothetical.
Female fertility isn’t affected by the consumption of caffeine below 200 milligrams a day. Consider limiting your caffeine intake to one or two 6- to 8-ounce cups of coffee a day.
4. The Right BMI Assesses Your weight
How does maintaining the right BMI help?
When BMI is altered, it leads to hormonal aberrations. These aberrations alter the way your body responds to different stimuli. We can either work to amend the BMI or when we are short on time, we can work upon hormonal corrections associated with higher BMI.
Body mass index or BMI is the value that is a derivative of your body’s mass and height. In order to calculate your BMI, you can use a simple formula that is BMI = kg/m2. The Kg here stands for your weight in kilograms and m² is your height in meters, squared. A person with a BMI of 25.0 or more is considered overweight and if it is 18.5 to 24.9, they are considered healthy.
5. Invitation to stress can cost you your fertility
Stress is more than just a feeling. It has the potential to take an enormous toll on your health. When you feel stressed, your body produces hormones like cortisol and prolactin. These hormones harm the health of your eggs. Instead of road of stress, lets walk down the road of happiness, cheerfulness, and satisfaction, genuinely make your eggs stronger and healthier. Indulge in activities with your friends and family. Spend time doing yoga and practicing meditation or just spend some time with your pet. Sometimes not getting enough sleep or rest or having a hectic schedule can also result in stress. So set your schedule in such a way that you get enough sleep and can take out some time relaxing during the day.
In our practices, we never suggest that you quit your job during an IVF cycle. Your work is a great stress outlet. There is absolutely no compulsion on you to take rest. In fact by keeping yourself busy, you can keep your mind occupied. So, if you carry on with your job, your stress levels are automatically under check.
Bottom Line
As your age passes by, the health of your egg declines naturally. But, that does not necessarily diminish the possibility of pregnancy. There are ways in which you can improve egg quality and the chances of a successful IVF implant. In a nutshell, Eating healthy diet & physically, emotionally, and mentally, It helpful for the health of your eggs. However, we should avoid taking any fertility medicines without consulting fertility doctors and obtaining their consent, because certain potency medications can cause chromosomal abnormalities and tamper with the DNA of your eggs, which results in a failed pregnancy or child that has Down’s syndrome.
That’s why we say that you take your steps carefully but cheerfully. Science has blessed you with ways towards healthy motherhood, it’s just about perseverance, will, and the choices that you make. If you are trying to conceive right now all we have to say is; have a happy pregnancy!
Also remember to always choose your consultants based on their experience and expertise.
The KJIVF specialist had personally researched and reported a thesis on how to increase the number of ovum that are left. All our consultants are a part of the teaching faculty. Besides such deep knowledge of IVF, we understand the importance of using one’s own eggs. Hence, optimum use of ovum is our top priority. Opting for donor eggs would be the last reserve for women with poor ovarian reserve.
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