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What is The Difference Between IUI and IVF?

What is the difference between IUI and IVF Treatment As WHO defines it, infertility is a condition where a couple fails to achieve pregnancy even after 12 months or more of unprotected sexual intercourse. As it is very clear from the definition itself, the failure in conceiving could be a shortcoming from the end of either the male or the female or even both of them. The only way you can be sure about the causes of your infertility is by consulting a fertility specialist and getting yourself tested as per their recommendation.

What is the difference between IUI and IVF Treatment

There can be various reasons that can cause infertility.

What is difference Between IUI and IVF In females, they include issues like tubal disorders, uterine disorders, disorders with ovaries such as PCOD and PCOS, endometriosis, or disorders of the endocrine system which in turn can cause hormonal imbalances. For males, the reasons can include the blockage of the reproductive tract, hormonal abnormalities, testicular failure to produce sperm, or abnormal sperm function or quality.

What is the difference between IUI Treatment and IVF Treatment Although there is no way to absolutely eradicate infertility, there are ways to overcome it and conceive pregnancy using various infertility treatment methods. At KJIVF, doctors suggest all the patients facing infertility first get tested and then start the correct course of treatment. They discourage patients from self-induced treatments because there is no way to treat infertility but there are ways to conceive pregnancy despite infertility. Having a healthy pregnancy also depends upon the age factor. Many couples have lost their precious time following methods available on the internet. Delay in seeking treatment can compromise fertility treatment.

IUI and IVF are both infertility treatments. However, both these treatments are different. In this blog, we shall understand what IUI and IVF mean and how they are different. In the end, we have incorporated some advice from our doctors.

Difference Between IUI & IVF:

What is IUI

What is difference Between IUI and IVF: Intrauterine insemination is a fertility method. It is also known as artificial insemination. In the process of IUI, the sperms are processed in the lab and placed directly in the uterus for the fertilization to occur naturally. This process does not require any invasive procedure to be performed.

During the process, the sperms are first examined and the sluggish and non-moving sperms are first removed. The remaining are all healthy sperms. These healthy sperms are then used for insemination. The fertilization of the egg happens naturally in the fallopian tube.

At KJIVF we do perform natural cycle IUI but the stimulated cycle IUI with ovulation-inducing drugs proves to be more successful. Hence, fertility drugs are recommended during an IUI cycle as well.

When is IUI performed

What is difference Between IUI and IVF. IUI, which involves fertilization happening naturally in the fallopian tube, is administered as the first option in cases of mild male factor, sperm count is low but not too low.

What is IVF

IVF, also known as test tube babies, is a fertility treatment. During the process of IVF, an egg is removed from the ovaries and sperms are separated. The eggs are fertilized outside the body. After the fertilization happens, the embryo forms. The embryos are placed in the uterus of women and hence, pregnancy is conceived.

When is IVF performed

If a person is infertile due to conditions that make fertilization impossible, IVF can be used as a treatment. People suffering from tubal factor, endometriosis, and PCOD who have failed to conceive through IUI can also receive IVF. In cases of severe male factor also IVF is the suitable option.

Difference between IVF and IUI

What is the difference between IUI and IVF Treatment. IUI is a more effortless process since the sperms are washed and placed in the uterus using a tube or a catheter and the further process starts from the fertilization of eggs in the fallopian tube and the conception of pregnancy. The procedure of IVF on the other hand, involves the extraction of eggs, fertilization of Ovum, and the emergence of the embryo outside of the body under artificial conditions. The embryos are then planted inside the female’s womb and the conception of pregnancy happens.

As IUI is a non-invasive procedure, it is more cost-effective than IVF. However, the success rate of IUI is also lower than IVF.

If recognized with the situations of endometriosis, low sperm count number, severe negative scenario of girl infertility, bad egg excellent, or any extreme infertility hassle, the docs advise IVF.

Bottom Line

In terms of success rate, we observe that IUI has a success rate of 20 to 22% while IVF has a success rate of 40 to 45%

However, the bottom line is that at the core of every treatment is the proper care. For the right care, you can only count on experienced fertility doctors.

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How To Improve Egg Quality For IVF

How to improve egg quality for IVF. The serenity of a child is the best blessing that nature could bestow upon a family. But sometimes, nature makes it tough for some more than others. However, destiny has still been kind to us for science has advanced to an extent that led to the generation of IVF technology. This blog is an attempt towards exploring one of the challenges which is a very common topic of discussion about female fertility.

While discussing the topic of fertility, many ask about how to improve egg quality for IVF and pregnancy. If you are also grappling with a decline in egg quality, this blog will help you identify the probable reasons for the decline and the ways to improve your egg quality so that the chances of your pregnancy can increase.

How to improve egg quality for IVF. As per results from the past data and case studies, it has been found that all women have a limited amount of eggs. As the age increases, the amount of healthy eggs decreases, and the abnormal eggs increase. The eggs that are of the poorest quality don’t fertilize at any cost. A very small number of poor-quality eggs that fertilize either lead to miscarriages or babies born with genetic disorders. The factor of age is one of the important determinants of IVF success. As women grow older the number of menstrual cycles that they undergo to get pregnant also increases.

With Such a Limited Number of Eggs

it is crucial to find an effective treatment that is a solution to your problem. Consulting a fertility specialist can be of great influence in your journey. With their protocols in place, they can help you with more number of fertilized eggs. Although challenges to the success of IVF may be countless, still a positive ray of hope always shines beneath the dense forest canopy. With the impeccable knowledge and experience of the consultants, the best use of these limited eggs can be done to create a new life. Also remember to always choose your consultants based on their experience and expertise.

You might have a lower number of eggs but you must also know that the number of eggs cannot be increased. However, a wise and accurate use of eggs can help you. There are several things that influence the number of usable eggs. To harvest your eggs and create a viable embryo, there are several things that you can do during your treatment cycle. The IVF protocol can be followed to resolve your problem. For poor responders, there are many IVF protocols in place. As per the experience of your consultant, they can activate several IVF protocols.

Secondly, we need to rule out deterring factors like endometrial pathology, adenomyosis and hormonal aberrations. You can try blastocyst transfer instead of dethadi transfer and optimise the blood flow to the endometrial lining of uterus.

To expand your understanding of IVF, we have enlisted the ways that can help you tackle your declining fertility and find out how to improve egg quality for IVF.

1. Let Your Eggs Breathe

You must be wondering if antioxidants can help you with your egg quality?

Antioxidants are critical in protecting a developing egg from damage. The eggs develop in a follicle surrounded by follicular fluid. This fluid should be rich in antioxidants. Minerals such as zinc and selenium are part of antioxidant compounds where vitamin C and vitamin E have more direct antioxidant effects. Here are a few antioxidants for you to consider including in your diet.

Zinc is part of one of the most abundant antioxidant compounds in the body. If deficiency is common worldwide and often seen in our clinic when tested. Also found in meat, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds. In addition, those on a high plant diet can also be at risk unless efforts are made to increase absorption in the diet such as soaking, sprouting, and fermenting.

Selenium forms part of an important family of antioxidant proteins. Good sources of Selenium are meat, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E are very important antioxidants, specifically in women who are over 35. They work together to support fertility. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables and we recommend aiming for 2 pieces of fruit and 5 portions of vegetables daily. We also suggest including a wide variety of types and colours. Vitamin E is found in almonds, avocados, sunflower seeds, salmon, sweet potatoes, olives and olive oil.

Coenzyme Q10 is a very important antioxidant in preserving egg quality, particularly in women of advanced age. Taking CoQ10 for three months has been shown to improve fertility and the outcome of IVF or other assisted conception treatments.

2. Smoking is Injurious To Your and Your Egg’s Health

It’s a proven fact that smoking can deteriorate the quality of your eggs as well as can be the root cause of future lower fertility as well. As per the reports by NCBI, Cigarette smoking is associated with a prolonged and dose-dependent adverse effect on ovarian function. Smoking appears to have a more transient toxic effect on fertility, because current smokers, but not past smokers, had a markedly reduced pregnancy rate after treatment cycles compared with nonsmokers. Women should quit smoking before assisted reproduction cycles.

In NCBI’s findings, on being compared with nonsmokers, both current and past smokers have been found to have reduced gonadotropin-stimulated ovarian function. A history of increased tobacco exposure was associated with smaller number of developed oocytes and lower numbers of embryos. For every 10 pack-years of smoking, on average 2.5 fewer mature oocytes and 2.0 fewer embryos were successfully developed. Women who smoked during their treatment cycle had approximately a 50% reduction in implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rate compared with women who had never smoked. Women who quit smoking before their treatment cycle had the same pregnancy rate as nonsmokers.

3. Caffeine is never your egg’s friend

Caffeine Intake is Among the Most Common Lifestyle Exposure in Women and Men Alike

Studies have found that coffee intake is common among women and men alike.

As per the findings of NCBI, Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks (particularly cola-containing beverages and energy drinks), and chocolate. This substance is able to easily cross biological membranes, it can quickly be distributed throughout the body, and has been found in saliva, breast milk, embryos, and neonates.

NCBI’s research also states that Caffeine can even reach the follicular fluid, suggesting that it might exert a harmful role on the female reproductive process. However, it’s hypothetical.

Female fertility isn’t affected by the consumption of caffeine below 200 milligrams a day. Consider limiting your caffeine intake to one or two 6- to 8-ounce cups of coffee a day.

4. The Right BMI Assesses Your weight

How does maintaining the right BMI help?

When BMI is altered, it leads to hormonal aberrations. These aberrations alter the way your body responds to different stimuli. We can either work to amend the BMI or when we are short on time, we can work upon hormonal corrections associated with higher BMI.

Body mass index or BMI is the value that is a derivative of your body’s mass and height. In order to calculate your BMI, you can use a simple formula that is BMI = kg/m2. The Kg here stands for your weight in kilograms and m² is your height in meters, squared. A person with a BMI of 25.0 or more is considered overweight and if it is 18.5 to 24.9, they are considered healthy.

5. Invitation to stress can cost you your fertility

Stress is more than just a feeling. It has the potential to take an enormous toll on your health. When you feel stressed, your body produces hormones like cortisol and prolactin. These hormones harm the health of your eggs. Instead of  road of stress, lets walk down the road of happiness, cheerfulness, and satisfaction, genuinely make your eggs stronger and healthier. Indulge in activities with your friends and family. Spend time doing yoga and practicing meditation or just spend some time with your pet. Sometimes not getting enough sleep or rest or having a hectic schedule can also result in stress. So set your schedule in such a way that you get enough sleep and can take out some time relaxing during the day.

In our practices, we never suggest that you quit your job during an IVF cycle. Your work is a great stress outlet. There is absolutely no compulsion on you to take rest. In fact by keeping yourself busy, you can keep your mind occupied. So, if you carry on with your job, your stress levels are automatically under check.

Bottom Line

As your age passes by, the health of your egg declines naturally. But, that does not necessarily diminish the possibility of pregnancy. There are ways in which you can improve egg quality and the chances of a successful IVF implant. In a nutshell, Eating  healthy diet & physically, emotionally, and mentally,  It helpful for the health of your eggs. However, we should avoid taking any fertility medicines without consulting fertility doctors and obtaining their consent, because certain potency medications can cause chromosomal abnormalities and tamper with the DNA of your eggs, which results in a failed pregnancy or child that has Down’s syndrome.

That’s why we say that you take your steps carefully but cheerfully. Science has blessed you with ways towards healthy motherhood, it’s just about perseverance, will, and the choices that you make. If you are trying to conceive right now all we have to say is; have a happy pregnancy!

Also remember to always choose your consultants based on their experience and expertise.

The KJIVF specialist had personally researched and reported a thesis on how to increase the number of ovum that are left. All our consultants are a part of the teaching faculty. Besides such deep knowledge of IVF, we understand the importance of using one’s own eggs. Hence, optimum use of ovum is our top priority. Opting for donor eggs would be the last reserve for women with poor ovarian reserve.

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What is The Difference Between IVF and Test Tube Baby?

The difference between IVF and Test Tube Babies IVF baby v/s test tube baby- This confusion has prevailed for a long -time in the country. What they do not know is that a test tube baby is the baby that is conceived by fusing the egg and sperm artificially in a glass container and the in-vitro in IVF means the same too.

This procedure is usually opted when either of the one from a couple or an individual is infertile. Infertility is when a couple or an individual fails to get pregnant after a year of trying to conceive naturally.

The difference between IVF and Test Tube Babies In the year 1978, the first human baby was born through in-vitro fertilization. Since then, there has been a massive advancement in the medical sector that has enabled us to address other problems related to infertility as well.


In simple terms, a baby that is born through an embryo that is fertilized outside the body in a culture dish by combining the egg with the sperm is known as a test tube baby. Then what is the source of this confusion?

These terms have been interchangeably used amongst the masses but have also successfully confused a big chunk of the population. The only difference in the use of terms is that the local population is more privy to use the term test-tube baby instead of IVF while the doctors prefer the usage of the term IVF more.


It is a well known fact that IVF is a lengthy process. It might take some time to complete the entire procedure and for it to become successful in the first try as well. The first step of the process is a detailed check-up for each of the partners to identify the source of their infection. If the source of infertility is treatable, the problem can be solved through medications or surgery and IVF can be continued further. After all the legal formalities are completed, the IVF procedure is carried on further. There are multiple steps performed in the IVF procedure.


    After the ovarian reserve of the woman is checked properly, the ovaries are stimulated to produce more eggs. This is because, in the IVF procedure, multiple eggs are required to ensure successful fertilization and implantation. The patient is administered fertility drugs for the same.
    This is a very crucial part of the process since this is when the eggs will be removed from the woman’s ovaries through suction. Anesthesia is administered and the needle is inserted through the vagina and the eggs are retrieved. Women can carry on with their daily activities but they must make sure that no strenuous activity is carried out. Rest and light work must be done in equal amounts. After the IVF Procedure is completed, you can go back home after the doctors at the IVF center give a green signal.
    This is where the real meaning of the Test Tube Baby/ IVF lies.
  4. Eggs are collected in a Petri plate and the semen sample collected from the man is mixed with the eggs.
  5. The sperm must fertilize the eggs overnight. Once fertilized, the zygote (cell formed after fertilization of egg and sperm) is placed in an incubator to allow the cells to divide and reach a particular cell stage. Before the implantation is done, it is advisable to wait for 3-5 days so that the cells divide perfectly up to a certain cell number.
  6. EMBRYO CULTURE:- To form an embryo, it is necessary to check if the cells of the egg are dividing correctly or not. This is because by the time the embryo reaches the uterus for implantation, it must be of several cell numbers. The embryos after diving upto certain cell numbers are taken up for genetic testing to ensure that there are no genetic disorders passed onto the developing child. Although these instances are very rare to encounter.
  7. THE EMBRYO TRANSFER:- Once the embryo has successfully divided and reached a perfect cell stage it is ready for transfer. It generally gets ready within 3-5 days of fertilization.It is transferred through the catheter (Catheters are short hollow tubes that are inserted into the body). A guided catheter is used for the transfer in IVF. The rounded tip of the catheter makes it simpler to pass through the cervix. Once the embryo is released, the process from there on progresses like a normal pregnancy. It takes around 6-10 days.
    • An IVF cycle usually takes more than one embryo because this increases the chance of getting pregnant.
    • A woman’s ovarian reserve is checked correctly, and her ovaries produce more eggs.

    During the IVF procedure, multiple eggs are required for successful fertilization and implantation.


  • It’s a myth to believe that babies born through IVF are less healthy.

That is untrue. Most babies born through IVF are as healthy as a baby conceived naturally. Risks are inevitable. Children and mothers can meet them. This is why timely consultation with your doctor is a must!


The entire debate about IVF vs test tube babies is, fortunately, reducing day by day.

  • In order to use and promote it, doctors and locals around the world should understand both terminologies.
  • It is best to educate those who are ignorant of the terms and ask them to promote the correct terms further.

At KJIVF IVF Center in Delhi, we ensure that the baby and the mother are in good hands. We have always tried to educate people on the correct notions of IVF and its related facts.

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Is It Possible To Have Normal Delivery in IVF?

The term IVF is usually regarded as an alienated concept that is far from being natural since the conception does not occur in the body. It is still considered taboo in many countries although acceptance has been growing slowly. A normal delivery with IVF is the biggest area of concern and curiosity amongst the individuals who go through the first cycle of IVF. Although the idea seems frightening, the delivery process of natural v/s IVF is quite similar.

Having the Best IVF Doctors in Faridabad and the Best IVF Treatment in Delhi is important for the treatment to be successful and have a successful delivery. Before understanding the nitty-gritty of the entire normal delivery with weather is it possible to have a normal delivery with IVF, it is important to understand the basic difference between the two.


In an IVF procedure, pregnancy is achieved with ovarian hyper-stimulation, natural IVF, final maturation induction, egg retrieval, sperm and egg preparation, co-incubation, embryo culture and selection, embryo transfer, and adjunctive medication. On the other hand, the method for a normal pregnancy is copulation. It is worthwhile to remember that the physiological processes involved in both normal pregnancy and IVF Pregnancy are the same.

The biggest difference between an IVF Pregnancy and Normal Pregnancy in the early weeks after embryo transfer is the level of awareness. While most women who become pregnant naturally are unaware of their pregnancy until a month or two into the pregnancy, IVF pregnant women are fully aware after the embryo is transferred.

In normal pregnancy, the sperm travels up the reproductive tract of the female and encounters the egg where it fuses to eventually form an embryo that would eventually get infused into the endometrial lining of the uterus and the baby develops thereafter.

In the IVF procedure, the egg and the sperm are taken out of the body, fused, and then released into the uterus again so that the implantation takes place successfully. The only difference between both the procedure is the implantation that occurs inside and outside the body. Women who achieve natural pregnancy start taking their multivitamin and folic acid supplements only after learning about their pregnancy. On the other hand, women undergoing IVF Treatment start taking HCG and progesterone injections even before pregnancy is confirmed.

It is important to achieve a healthy weight by eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and following an active lifestyle.


IVF is an extremely safe procedure. Although an important part to consider in this claim is the current health state of the patient. Whether the patient is suffering from any co-morbidities or has any other birth-related complication that could hinder the process. In rare cases, IVF Pregnancy may result in side effects such as premature delivery, low birth weight, multiple births, and egg-retrieval procedure complications. These egg-retrieval complications in most of the cases are not complications per se but they do cause discomfort and pain sometimes in women. It is thus suggested by the doctors to rest for a convenient amount of time before going home and after going home.

However, you can prevent these side effects in the first place by selecting a qualified and experienced IVF Doctor. A doctor who’s well– versed in all kinds of situations will know how to understand any abrupt extremities.


The answer to the question of whether a normal delivery is possible with IVF is a big fat yes. Apart from keeping in mind some factors that would be necessary for the baby and the mother, all the other processes are completely similar. It is the same that happens through the natural birth tract of a woman.

There are a lot of women who experience complications sometimes which lead to opting for a C-SECTION. Complications like prolonged labor, fetal defects, birth defects repeat cesarean, etc.

While encountering similar complications extreme care should be taken that the mama and the baby aren’t harmed at all. Sometimes, chronic health conditions. Women who have chronic health conditions or those who are in high-risk pregnancies may be recommended to have a C-section. This includes pregnant women with high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, or heart complications.

C- sections are also recommended when the mother has genital herpes, HIV, or any other severe health complication that can impact the baby.

At KJIVF, patients are given the expert doctor consultancy for IVF Treatment in Delhi.

The clinic offers gravidity treatment in IVF and other forms of supported reproductive technology( ART) to any couple who’s floundering to conceive. We’ll help you have a baby on your own terms, no matter what position you’re in.

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How To Avoid Ectopic Pregnancy With IVF

Ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the womb and in the wrong place, such as the fallopian tube or ovary) is still a life-threatening complication. This phenomenon has been considered fatal for a lot of women since it is not natural and might cause death if allowed to progress for a long time.

And while in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is recommended for women at risk of an ectopic pregnancy, especially if they’ve already had more than one ectopic pregnancy, it is not a 100 per cent guarantee that a woman will not have an ectopic pregnancy.


It is a strange coincidence that the first successful IVF pregnancy was ectopic!!! The incidence is 2.1% to 9.4% of all clinical pregnancies resulting from ART (assisted reproductive technique). The decline in incidence is seen with frozen embryo transfer. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy in natural conception is 1-2 %


In some cases, infertility can be a cause of ectopic pregnancy while in some cases infertility can result due to ectopic pregnancy. There are many things associated with ectopic pregnancy like embryo transfer technique, fallopian tube pathology, and pelvic inflammatory disorders.


Maternal age– Incidence increases from 1.4% at the age of 21 to 6.9% in women aged 44 years or more. This is mainly attributed to an increase in chromosomal abnormalities in trophoblastic tissue and age-related changes in tubal function.
Cigarette smoking– increases the risk following pregnancy with IVF Treatment by about 3 times compared to non-smokers.
Previous Extrauterine pregnancy- The recurrence rate ranges from 15% to 20% in the case of one pregnancy and it increases to 32% in cases with two previous such pregnancies. But if there is one normal pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, it reduces the subsequent pregnancy chances.

Tubal Pathology– Hydrosalpinx is the main cause of tubal infertility and is also associated with a negative impact on the outcome of IVF Treatment.

Previous Tubal Surgery– The level of risk of ectopic pregnancy depends on the degree of damage to tubes and the extent of anatomic distortion of the tubes. In some cases, it has been seen that altered tubal motility and developmental anomalies of the fallopian tube can also cause ectopic pregnancy. The most common causes of tubal factor infertility include sexually transmitted infection with chlamydia, abdominal surgery, and endometriosis.


One theory is that hydrostatic force generated by the transfer medium can pull the embryo into the fallopian tube. Another prominent theory is that gravitational pull causes the embryos to enter the hanging tubes. Sometimes the uterine contractions cause reflux expulsion of the embryo into the fallopian tubes. Faulty transfer techniques can also increase the chances of ectopic pregnancy. Different hormonal milieus in IVF cycles like higher circulating concentrations of oestradiol lead to a reverse migratory process of the transferred embryos.

What Can be Done to Reduce the Incidence of Ectopic Pregnancy?

  • Embryos should be placed between 5 mm to 10 mm from the fundus.
  • The transfer volume of culture media containing embryos should be optimal (preferably less than 80 µl).
  • There is a recommendation that tubes be occluded at the level of the utero-tubal junction.
  • To transfer Day 5 (blastocyst stage) embryos and to do frozen embryo transfers.

Early detection of an ectopic pregnancy is critical. So serial monitoring of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels and early ultrasounds at six weeks estimated gestational age (two weeks after finding out you are pregnant) can help to manage ectopic pregnancies safely 95-98 per cent of the time, avoiding the need for surgery.


An ectopic pregnancy feels devastating for most people and is even more upsetting if you had difficulty getting pregnant to start with. Doctors often become more focused on your safety and health than on the grief that you may be feeling. At the same time, major hormonal changes can magnify your emotions.


We hop back to the age-old question. Can pregnancy with IVF cause ectopic pregnancy? The answer is a big no! The probability of the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy through IVF is the same as that of a normal pregnancy. Usually, people fear taking up IVF as an option for conceiving because of the social taboo regarding the belief of IVF is an impure or unnatural way of having birth.

If you’re ready for IVF Treatment and if you are worried about ectopic pregnancy, then you can sit back and relax. At KJIVF, we have state-of-the-art technology, expert medical professionals, and the Best IVF Doctors to make your IVF journey safe and successful. Ectopic pregnancies can be avoided very easily. We have a success story of many positive IVF pregnancies.

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Workout, yoga, eat gluten-free, get acupuncture treatments. There are a gazillion treatments available on the internet when you put up the words- HOW TO BOOST FERTILITY IN the ’30s. But which of them are true? Which sources to trust? Are all the sources that I find after every scroll indeed scientifically acceptable? You might never know!

To save you from the trouble, here are some of the scientifically correct and achievable practices that can potentially boost your fertility in the 30s.


Studies have shown that the BODY-MASS INDEX (BMI) plays an important role in conceiving. Women with lower or higher BMI tend to find difficulties while getting pregnant. With improper weight comes a considerable effect on the hormones which would eventually lead to irregular menstrual cycles. All of this sum up to become a cause of fertility issue. If a woman is already undergoing an IVF Treatment in Delhi, the doctor might advise the woman to get her weight into a healthy range with the help of healthy diets and exercises.


Research suggests that a long-term heavy indulgence of alcohol affects the fertility and sperm movement in men. Also, even if you are not pregnant, it is advisable to reduce the amount of alcohol intake if you are a heavy drinker. Many IVF Doctors in Delhi suggest quitting alcohol since the eggs are affected. Plus, it can be a smart strategy for those first early weeks of pregnancy when you may not know you’re pregnant yet but the embryo is beginning to develop.


Time to say goodbye to briefs and hello to boxers. Some studies have found that men who wear boxers have a higher sperm concentration and total sperm count than those who don’t. It’s also a good idea to have your male partner avoid placing his laptop directly on his lap or spending too much time in hot tubs. That’s because heat can impair sperm formation. This is because the sperms are stored in the testicles outside the body. The reason Is to keep them stored and produced at a relatively lower temperature than that of our body. Maintaining a temperature that is lower can help to increase the sperm count.


Some general guidelines that have been proven: Diets high in unsaturated fats, whole grains, veggies, and fish have been associated with higher fertility outcomes for women and men. Remember: It takes two to make a baby, and these changes may also be beneficial for sperm function. While there’s some research on the effects of so-called fertility diets, experts say there’s no conclusive evidence that specific dietary changes have an effect on fertility for all women. One should double-check with their IVF doctors before taking up a diet plan. The diet plan should not hider with the IVF Treatment in Delhi.


Exercise may be too much of a good thing when it comes to getting pregnant in your thirties. Some studies have found that intense exercise may inhibit conception because it may cause you to skip ovulation or experience implantation failure. That said, sedentary behavior has also been linked to infertility. Discuss your workout routine with your doctor, who can suggest whether to slow down or step it up.


Fertility treatment often takes a toll on the couple. Especially the woman. To grow through multiple hormonal treatments as well as physical changes becomes a part of the fertility treatment routine. The financial stress for completing the treatment is another contributing factor.

There are many yoga classes who deign to increase fertility through their asanas. There is a bubble to be broken over here. It is the stress that is relieved and not the yoga asanas that boost fertility. And yes, yoga is not the only option available. It can be anything that helps you relieve your stress. Long walks, exercise, dancing, listening to music, spending time with pets, or even something as random as painting. Anything that helps you sail your boat.


If you mainline sodas and espressos all-day then it can become a hindrance for getting pregnant. It is necessary to cut back on the daily doses of caffeine. Studies have found that overdoing it on coffee (consuming more than 300 mg a day, or the equivalent of more than one tall Starbucks coffee) may impair fertility.


Folate is a critical mineral during pregnancy, but it may play a role in preconception as well. During pregnancy, adequate folate can help decrease the risk of neural tube defects like anencephaly and spina bifida. That’s why it’s recommended that women of childbearing age take folic acid, the manmade form of folate, especially if they’re trying to conceive. One study examining the role of folate and folic acid in patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) found supplemental folate was associated with higher live birth rates. Ask your doctor for a folic acid supplement recommendation, and add folate-heavy foods like eggs, leafy greens, beans, legumes, and berries to your diet.


This is not particularly a tip for boosting your fertility. But it is a piece of critical advice given by all the IVF Doctors. Tracking your cycle is a crucial part of the process. If you have been not doing it, it is time to do it. That’s because your cycle may shift as you hit your thirties.

How to Track: Day one is the first day your period starts. The last day is the day before your next period begins. For most women, ovulation generally happens 12 to 14 days before your next period begins. The optimal time to conceive is two to three days before ovulation begins and the day of ovulation itself. By tracking your cycle, the chances of getting pregnant can multiply.

These tips have been beneficial for a lot of couples during IVF Treatment. Increasing fertility in the ’30s can be difficult since women over the age of 35 can face issues in conceiving. Following these tips can make the process easier. If your problems fall under the radar of any of the tips mentioned above, following the solutions provided can help to a great extent.

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Low Sperm Count is one of the most important factors that contribute to infertility and sometimes failure to cause pregnancy in women. Low Sperm Count affects not only individuals but also the couple as a whole. There have been questions about how to increase male fertility and how to increase sperm count by food. When looked into it, there are many FOODS THAT INCREASE YOUR SPERM COUNT effective solutions for it.

There are numerous ways to increase the sperm count to be able to conceive. Sperm production is a complex process and if the count is low, increasing through healthy solutions is one of the most feasible options.

A man’s reproductive system requires nutrition and vitamins to function properly and benefit from the diet. There are many types of foods that have a positive impact on sperm count and increase male fertility. But the question is, which food increases the sperm count?

Here’s a List of Helpful Food That Increases Sperm Count


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to significantly improve sperm motility, count, and morphology. In one small study, researchers supplemented men with Vitamin C. Vitamin C caused the mean sperm motility for these men to increase all the way from 31.2% to 60.1%. Fruits that are a rich source of vitamin C are known to increase the sperm count as well. Guava, avocados, blueberries have a vitamin C overdrive. Due to the importance of these nutrients in sperm health avocado is one of if not the most well-rounded fruits that can help increase sperm motility fast.

Kiwis, Goji berries, and pomegranates are known for releasing anti-oxidants into the body that are necessary for the male reproductive system’s functioning. Pomegranates have been long linked to fertility and birth due to their many seeds. Although this is not the most scientific of reasons to eat pomegranates, there is evidence to support their ability to increase sperm count and motility due to their high levels of antioxidants.


Dark leafy green vegetables that are loaded with folic acid and along with other nutrients can boost sperm growth and also increase the motility of the sperm. Folic acid is integral for the healthy development of sperm. Higher levels of folic acid also reduce the number of abnormal sperms in the semen thereby increasing the chances of successful penetration of the sperm into the egg.


Eggs are a healthy option to increase sperm count as they are filled with protein. Eggs also protect the sperm from damaging free radicals and improve motility. The nutrients present in an egg, help in the production of stronger and healthier sperm and improve fertility.


Asparagus is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C and has a number of positive effects on sperm. It fights free radicals as well as protects the testicular cells, paving the way to better sperm counts, increased motility, and sperm quality.


Maca roots are one of the foods that increase sperm counts and fertility. Men who consume this herb as a supplement tend to have an increased volume of semen as well and also possess sperms of better motility.


Nuts are a good source of healthy fats and protein. Healthy fat is required for the production of the cell membrane for sperm cells. These omega-3 fatty acids also help boost the volume of sperm by promoting blood flow to the testicles. The arginine content in walnut contributes to the increase in sperm count. The antioxidants present in walnuts also help in removing toxins in the bloodstream.


Phytosterol, which is known to improve testosterone production in the body, is a component that is present in pumpkin seeds. This helps in the increase of sperm count and fertility. These seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids that improve blood circulation and increase semen volume.


Zinc plays a huge role in the production of sperm cells. Foods such as barley, beans, and red meat are rich in zinc and should be included in your diet to have a higher sperm count. The deficiency of zinc can even lead to a decrease in sperm motility, reducing fertility.


Dark chocolate is loaded with an amino acid named L-Arginine HCl which is proven to contribute to higher sperm counts and volume. Consumption in limited quantities can improve sperm counts to an extent. It is one of the ideal and easiest foods for sperm count.

A lot of dietary changes can be made to an individual’s food that boost the sperm count. Avoiding packaged foods and trans-fat food can help a lot. Apart from that, simple lifestyle changes and little discipline can also bring major changes. Quitting smoking, avoiding drugs and alcohol consumption can help increase the motility of the sperm.


Normal sperm count is about 20-150 million sperm per milliliter of a semen sample, although there may be slight variations from lab to lab. Some men may not have any sperm in their semen sample—a condition called azoospermia. However, low sperm counts may reduce fertility. Besides sperm count, other factors that determine sperm health:

Motility or Movement: Sperm cells need to be mobile to swim through a woman’s reproductive tract, reach the egg (ovum), and fertilize it.

Morphology or Structure: The structure of the sperm needs to be normal, meaning that it should have an oval head and a long tail working together to propel it. For a semen sample to be healthy 60% of the sperm cells need to show good motility with normal morphology.

Different medical conditions can cause low sperm count. Infections and inflammations such as gonorrhea, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), orchitis, and epididymitis.

  • Varicocele (enlargement of the veins within the scrotum)
  • Retrograde ejaculation (a condition in which the semen enters the bladder during an orgasm instead of coming out of the tip of the penis)
  • Nerve diseases due to diabetes or spinal injuries
  • Injury or surgery in the pelvic area
  • Certain autoimmune diseases
  • Tumors
  • Radiation and chemotherapy
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Celiac disease

All of these medical issues can be treated with the help of a doctor. For pregnancy-related issues, especially if it is related to low sperm count, a perfectly structured IVF Treatment can be taken up by the couple or an individual.

At KJIVF, IVF Treatment in Delhi is done under the supervision of experienced IVF Doctors in Delhi. Hormonal treatment can be advised for men who have low sperm count. If a male patient has low levels of the pituitary hormones that stimulate sperm production, we may attempt hormonal treatment before considering more invasive options (such as IVF with ICSI).

Antibiotic treatment is also advised sometimes. Low Sperm Count is a transient condition that is the result of an infection. Some infections interfere with sperm production or sperm health which can cause scarring that blocks the passage of sperm. Physical damage can also be treated.

With the help of a careful diagnosis, Low Sperm Count in the men that acts as a hindrance in the way of a couple or an individual to get pregnant can be treated effectively. IVF Treatment in Delhi and the IVF Doctors at KJIVF are highly specialized for the same and offer the Best IVF Services in Delhi.

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Advantages of IVF Treatment

In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology whose positives weigh more than the negatives. The process allows couples who fail to conceive naturally. There can be various reasons that lead to this issue. At KJIVF, all the concerned issues are addressed and the problems are solved in the best possible manner. If you need a deeper insight on IVF efficiency, feel free to contact the Best IVF Centers in Delhi, KJIVF, as the Advantages of IVF Treatment is used at their best share.



Over the years, with the advancement in technology, the success rate of IVF has shot up incredibly. But one might wonder as to why opt for IVF Treatment when there are many other options available. Considering the fact that many medical reasons contribute to the fair share of not allowing to conceive, here’s a list of medical conditions that can lead to infertility.

  • Blocked tubes
  • Low sperm count
  • A low number of eggs
  • Low quality of eggs
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS with an ovarian disorder
  • Unexplained infertility

All of the above-mentioned conditions are general reasons that lead to infertility. Some of them are reversible while some are irreversible. They cause a hindrance in fertilization. To ensure that even with such conditions (whilst being treated for it), the baby is being conceived, in-vitro fertilization is an ideal option.

KJIVF believes in maintaining maximum transparency with the patients. At KJIVF, all of the patient’s issues are taken into careful consideration. By following all the diagnostic steps correctly, the cause for the failure to conceive is diagnosed. Then, the couples are allowed to make choices which suit them the best. Doing this takes a huge load off of the couple or a person seeking treatment. This is one of the major benefits of IVF.


IVF is a procedure that is to be carried out with utmost care. From something as simple as syringes to something as complex as a micromanipulator, has to be high-end. This ensures the proper fusion of the egg and sperm and a safe embryo transfer. Fertility centers use the best equipment to make the procedure foolproof.

At KJIVF, high-end technologies are used for the entire IVF Treatment in Delhi. The best advantage of IVF at KJIVF is the use of high-quality media and the best hormone injections are used that ensure the safety of the patient and to reach the ultimate goal- fertilization. All the equipment is legally accredited from time to time.


People that come in for IVF Treatment usually get scared by the medications that are prescribed to the patients. The truth is, medications do not pose any risk to the patients if the history of the patient and their co-morbidities (if any) are already known. The medications do not pose any threat.

KJIVF has been showing incredible results for the past 28 years with precise and immaculate procedures under the guidance of IVF doctors. There has been no report of any problem faced by the patients’ post medication or the procedure.


KJIVF understands that health is not a commodity to be purchased. The goodwill of the mother and the fetus growing in the womb is of the highest priority. At KJIVF, the medical staff is a team of experienced individuals that not only work at the IVF Center but are also a teaching faculty. The doctors have their research papers published in many known research journals in the context of IVF itself.

It is a known fact that IVF procedures can be financially strenuous for couples. KJIVF helps people get loans and also guides them through the process that ensures maximum transparency. To get the couples through the emotional roller coaster of IVF, we also provide helpline numbers for non-medical issues.

They consult their patients truthfully. At KJIVF, they let patients know that not all treatments are expensive and not all patients require in-vitro fertilization. With such a great team by your side, the process can be completed with absolute ease. The lives developed over all these years are proof of KJIVF providing excellent services to all the people that come in for a consultation.

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Firstly, What is IVF?

IVF is a process wherein the egg is fertilized with the sperm of a partner or a donor outside the body in a lab. The treatment requires proper monitoring and supervision under IVF Specialists in Delhi for getting positive results. Thus, people looking for IVF Treatment in Delhi should opt for the best IVF Centres as it increases their chances of getting the expected results and bringing a positive change in their life. Over time IVF Treatment in Delhi has become more common with limited awareness of the reality of the whole procedure.

There are many IVF Centres in Delhi NCR but all of them might not deliver you the positive results that you expect and give you the clarity you wanted. That is why keeping a few important points in mind when choosing the best IVF Centre is important.

What To Keep in Mind Before Choosing IVF Centre?

Information About the IVF Centre

Before finalizing anything, you should be aware of the clinic and the facilities it offers. You can check their website or go directly to the IVF Centre in Delhi and get all the relevant information required before starting your treatment. Check for hidden terms and conditions, costs, facilities and services offered, credentials of the doctors and staff, etc. Lastly, consult with people who have had similar experiences and keep in mind their consultation while selecting a centre. You should go ahead when you have researched and are satisfied with the IVF Centre in Delhi.

Labs and Types of Equipment

The Best IVF Centres in Delhi adhere to guidelines and standards laid out by the Indian Council of Medical Research. This is important for proper storage and identification of the embryo and sperm and for carrying out the IVF Treatment successfully and for increasing the chances of getting positive results. The equipment in the IVF Centre should also be of the best quality and include the latest cutting-edge technology.

Success Rate

Check the history and success rate of the IVF Centre in Delhi. The success rate of the centre depends on many factors such as the equipment, labs, doctor’s experience and skill, quality of eggs and sperm provided, and type of infertility among others. Most IVF Centres post their success rates on their websites but it is important to verify them when you are looking for the Best IVF Centre in Delhi.


IVF Treatment and its diagnostic procedures are usually costly as it requires complex procedures and medicines. In India, most people cannot afford the IVF Treatment and thus end up abandoning their plans due to the cost. It is wise to check the cost of the treatment offered by the IVF Centre and choose one where the price is reasonable. The cost might also depend on the location of the IVF Centre as well as the quality of the treatment it offers. But one should never compromise on the consistency of the care while fulfilling their dream.


The cost of your IVF Treatment in Delhi and other diagnostic procedures can be reduced if your health insurance policy covers them. It is also important to note that not all IVF Centres cover your insurance IVF Treatment and that is why it is important to check the list of centres that cover them.

Convenience and Communication

Going through IVF Treatment in Delhi can be a challenging journey and involves regular check-ups and monitoring among other things for successful treatment. This is why the convenience of reaching and communicating with your IVF Centre and your Infertility Specialist is a very crucial one. It is always better to choose one which is convenient and offers transparent communication when undergoing your IVF Treatment. It will have a big impact on the experience you have when getting your IVF Treatment in Delhi.

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