IVF – Myths and Facts
A large number of couples require IVF as a treatment for infertility. There are a number of myths related to IVF Treatment. This article aims to clear those myths.
Q 1. Will the Hormones Cause Long Term Risk?
Ans. Many patients fear long term side effects of fertility drugs such as cancer. While long term studies are still underway and need another 5 -10 years of follow up to be conclusive, preliminary results suggest no association between fertility treatment and invasive cancer.
Q 2. Will my baby suffer birth defects?
Ans. The absolute risk of delivering an IVF Baby with malformations is low. The risk of an anomalous fetus in spontaneous or IVF babies is the same as in the general population.
Q 3. Is the Procedure Painful?
Ans. Pain is a very subjective sensation. The feeling of pain is totally dependent on the individual undergoing the procedure. For IVF, you need to take injections to form multiple eggs. But these injections cause a stinging sensation and are not very painful. You can ask your partner to stay by your side while taking injections.
The only procedure that could be considered minor surgery is the retrieval of eggs from the ovary. This procedure is performed under light anesthesia administered intravenously prior to starting the procedure which takes care of the pain during the procedure and its effect wears off quickly after the procedure. The patient can go home in 4 hours.
Embryo transfer is the procedure that is performed without anesthesia but it involves the passage of a soft catheter through the vagina into the uterus. This can be slightly painful but it is completely subjective.
Some Myths and Facts are:
Q 4. If I live out of town how long do I have to stay at the clinic?
Ans. Many of the patients have to travel various distances to return home after transfer. Car travel is also fine. Sitting for extended periods of time will not affect your chances of pregnancy. If you live out of town, most patients return home after the transfer if there is no medical reason to stay. We at KJIVF Delhi encourage our patients to continue the job. In fact, it helps in destressing after embryo transfer.
Q 5. What are My Chances of Pregnancy with Frozen Embryo Transfer?
Ans. In general, the success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer procedures depends on three things: the quality and survival of frozen-thawed embryos, the age of the patient producing eggs and uterus of the women receiving the embryo. At our center the result is almost the same. We, at KJIVF Delhi have extensive experience coordinating these cycles and have a very successful FET program. KJIVF Delhi is one of the Best Centres in Delhi for such treatment.
Q 6. Is Complete Bed Rest Recommended After the Embryo Transfer?
Ans. This is a popular myth with no scientific evidence. We at KJIVF Delhi recommend that you
take it easy for the rest of the day after embryo transfer. But the routine activities can be resumed the next after the transfer. No bed rest is recommended routinely. The exception is OHSS where bed rest is advised till the condition is resolved.
Get More QnA about IVF Myths and Facts
Q 7. How Long of a Wait is Recommended between a failed IVF Cycle and Trying Again?
Ans. We at KJIVF Delhi recommend waiting for one full menstrual cycle before starting stimulation for IVF again. We know that it takes up to six weeks for inflammation to subside completely, so it’s reasonable to wait for that long. However, mental, physical, and financial factors are considered before starting a fresh IVF cycle.
Q 8. What are the Advances Which Can Give One Improved Chance of Pregnancy?
Ans. Preparing the endometrium by hysteroscopy, newer medications and individualized protocols, prolonged culture to blastocyst, individualized transfer and vitrification are some of the advances which are offered routinely ta KJIVF Delhi to improve chances of success.
Q 9. My Husband’s Sperms are Not Available but I Don’t Want to Use Donor Sperm. Can Something be Done?
Ans. Surgical sperm retrieval by PESA/ TESA is routinely offered to retrieve sperms in such cases and all attempts are made to use patients’ own sperms even in cases where biopsy has shown the absence of sperms and many patients are able to achieve parenthood with their own sperms.
The Sooner The Better
As you can see several exciting developments are enhancing the success of IVF. However, if you have fertility issues, the best thing you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a child is to seek fertility counseling earlier rather than later. Since you are born with all the eggs you will ever produce, and the egg supply dwindles as you age, the sooner you seek assistance, the more likely we will be able to help you. We at KJIVF, Delhi provide you with low-cost fertility solutions and low-cost IVF. KJIVF and Laparoscopy Centre is one of the Best IVF Centres of Delhi. If you want to know more about ivf- myths and facts, please contact us at +9196507 25386.