What is the Endometriosis Treatment | KJIVF Centre in Delhi, Faridabad, India?
Endometriosis Treatment is an abnormal growth similar to endometrial tissue, which shows the inner part of the uterus, but at a location outside the uterus. Endometrial tissue is shed every month during menstruation. The areas of endometrial tissue found in ectopic places are called endometrial implants. These lesions are most commonly found on the membrane lining (ie peritoneum) of the ovary, fallopian tubes, uterine surface, bowel, and pelvic cavity. They are found inferior to include the vagina, cervix, and bladder. Rarely, endometriosis may occur outside the pelvis. Endometriosis has been reported in the liver, brain, lungs, and chronic surgical scars. Endometrial implants, while they can be problematic, are usually benign (ie non-cancerous).
What are the Stages of Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is classified into one of four stages (I-minimal, II-benign, III-moderate, and IV-severe), based on the presence and severity of scar tissue, along with endometriosis transplantation, the exact location, range And is based on depth. And the presence and the size of endometrial implants in the ovaries. Most cases of endometriosis are classified as minimal or mild, meaning there are superficial implants and mild scars. Moderate and severe endometriosis usually results in cysts and more severe scars. The stage of endometriosis is not related to the degree of symptoms that a woman experiences, but infertility is common with stage IV endometriosis.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis?
Most women who have endometriosis, in fact, do not have the symptoms. Of those whom do, the most ordinary symptoms include:
- Pain (usually pelvic) that usually occurs just before the menstruation and lessens after menstruation
- painful intercourse
- Cramps during sexual intercourse
- Cramps or pain during bowel movements or urination
- Infertility
Pain with pelvic examination. The intensity of pain may vary from month to month, and may vary greatly among affected individuals. Some women experience progressive worsening of symptoms, while others may resolve the pain without treatment.
Pelvic pain in women with endometriosis depends partly on the location where endometrial implants of endometriosis are located.
- Deep implants and implants in areas of high nerve density are more suitable for causing pain.
- Transplants can also release substances in the blood, which are able to reduce pain.
- Pain may occur when endometriotic implants scare the surrounding tissue. There seems to be no relationship between the severity of pain and the amount of physical illness that exists
Endometriosis can be one of the reasons for the infertility for otherwise healthy couples. Endometriosis may provoke scar tissue formation within the pelvis. Alternatively, inflammatory substances may arise in endometriotic lesions, which adversely affect ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.
Other symptoms that can be related to the endometriosis include
- lower abdominal pain,
- diarrhea and/or constipation,
- low back pain,
- chronic fatigue
- irregular or heavy menstruation,
- painful urination, or
- bloody urine (particularly during menstruation).
- Rare symptoms of endometriosis includes the chest pain or coughing blood due to endometriosis in the lungs and headache and/or seizures due to endometriosis in the brain.
What Causes Endometriosis?
The cause of endometriosis is unknown. One theory is that endometrial tissue accumulates in the pelvic and abdominal cavities through the fallopian tubes by the efferent flow of menstrual debris at abnormal locations. It is clear that retrograde menstruation is not the only cause of endometriosis, as the condition does not develop in women who have retrograde menstruation.
Another possibility is that the area lining the pelvic organs contains primitive cells that develop into other forms of tissue, such as the endometrium.
Finally, there is evidence that some women with endometriosis have an immune response in women with endometriosis, which may affect the body’s natural ability to recognize ectopic endometrial tissue.
Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility?
Endometriosis is more common in infertile women, as opposed to those who have conceived pregnancy. However, many women with confirmed endometriosis are able to conceive without difficulty, especially if the disease is mild or moderate. It is estimated that up to 70% of the women with mild or moderate endometriosis will conceive within three years without any specific treatment.
It is likely that both physiological and hormonal factors contribute to low fertility. The presence of endometriosis can stimulate vital scar (adhesion) formation within the pelvis, which can distort normal anatomical structures. Alternatively, endometriosis may affect the fertility through the production of the inflammatory substances that negatively impact ovulation, egg fertilization, and / or embryo implantation. Infertility associated with endometriosis is more common in women with anatomically severe form of the disease.
Treatment options for endometriosis-associated infertility are diverse, but most doctors believe surgery is better than medical treatment for endometriosis. When appropriate, assisted reproductive technology can also be used as an alternative to adjuvant or surgical therapy.
Is There a Test to Diagnose Endometriosis Treatment?
Obstetrics / Gynecologists (OB-GYN) are the types of doctors who usually treat endometriosis.
Endometriosis can be suspected based on symptoms of pelvic pain and findings during physical examination. Occasionally, during a rectovaginal examination (one finger in the vagina and one finger in the rectum), doctors may feel nodules (endometrial implants) associated with the pigmentic wall behind the uterus and along the ligaments.
Unfortunately, neither symptoms nor physical examinations can be relied upon to establish the diagnosis of endometriosis. Imaging studies, such as ultrasound, may be helpful in eliminating other pelvic diseases and suggest the presence of endometriosis in areas of the vagina and bladder, but they cannot diagnose endometriosis. For an accurate diagnosis, a direct visual inspection inside the pelvis and the abdomen, as well as tissue biopsy of the implant, is necessary.
Diagnosis of Endometriosis Treatment | KJIVF Centre in Delhi, Faridabad, India
As a result, surgery is the only definitive method for the diagnosis of endometriosis. This requires either laparoscopy or laparotomy (opening the abdomen using large incisions).
Pelvic ultrasound and laparoscopy are also important in ruling out malignancies (such as ovarian cancer) that can lead to similar symptoms mimicking endometriosis symptoms. Endometriosis Treatment is good option to resolve your issue.
What are the Treatment Options?
- Medical
- Surgical
- Oocytes Freezing
IUI: IUI is the Ideal procedure with minimal endometriosis with maintained turbo ovarian peritoneal relationship and normal ovarian reserve. It is a simple procedure, gives a reasonable success in mild cases.
IVF: IVF / ICSI to be done if :-
- Advanced maternal age / poor ovarian reserve
- Bilateral endometrioma
Recurrent Endometriosis
- Previous surgery
- Male factor
- Associate tubal factor
- Failure of other Treatment
Failed IUI
Endoscopic surgery – primary surgery is offered to diagnose and enhance the result of IUI and ART in young patient.
Medical management to adolescent endometriosis patients gives a prolonged pain free period and improves self esteem.
Survival rate of frozen embryos is 90% (Percent) and implantation rate is 50% (percent) in FET cycles.
Frozen of Oocytes.
Why KJIVF for Fertility Preservation?
Prof Dr. Kuldeep Jain have tremendous experience and research in endometriosis affecting all ages especially infertility.
AIM- Diagnose and treatment easily start from adolescent age.
- Offer corrective reproductive surgery i.s good result.
- Results of ICSI / IVF good in indicated patients.
- Teaching endometriosis, delivered lectures throughout India, in the capacity of chair endometriosis committee -FOGSI.
Endometriosis Treatment is a good option if you want to research the Endometriosis Problem.
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